Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Coal Barn and Boats

Thursday was a very full day hence this backblip...

In the morning, Stella and I did a little geocaching and walking in Babraham (see extra) as we were banished from the office for an hour to give my Dad some privacy for a meeting...

At lunchtime, my favourite distraction arrived in the shape of my always adorable baby nephew. I couldn't have as many cuddles as usual as I wanted to get my desk clear...

Also, there was an unexpected but always welcome invitation from Martyn to do some more night photography so after a bit of a rush after work gathering tripod, charging battery, and, gulping down of coffee, I headed back out and we went to the coast.

The sky was full of stars but man alive it was, as my nan would have said, black as your hat out there. And, really quite cold! Beautiful, brilliant fun, though; a most excellent evening :) 

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