Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In the absence of light...

Bbbrrrrrrrrrr....what spell has been thrown over the land? Why is it Autumn now? Has some spiteful, bitter and angry Witch cast a vengeful hex on us all?

With the best intentions, wearing summer attire, I set out with a smile on my face this morning. It was seemingly not long before I realised that my smile had been replaced by a grimace as the goose bumps ran up my arms and a chill down my spine.

If there were some wishing well, perhaps, where we could deposit a hoard of coins in favour of the Sprite at the bottom giving us a boon of good weather. Maybe a all powerful Genie that we could set free to grant us some 'laying in the grass' weather....

Hunched of shoulder and bent of spine I peddled past the river, not wanting to look at its cold inky depths. I spotted a fish swimming so slowly as if the water, so cold, was frozen. Past the common full of bowed grass too heavy with rain drops. Grey houses and even greyer skies and into the welcoming arms of the coffee shop.

In bed under the duvet, curled up nice and warm.......NOT a summer thought, that's where I was happy! My goodness it is going to feel like a long Winter if this carries on.

Oh well, it is what it is! Best make the most of it.....wellies out this weekend!!!!!! Woooohooo :)

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