Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Strange new worlds.

In golden sunlight with a heart full of good intentions I stepped out of the coffee shop, embolden by caffeine and lust for a brand new day.

Birds heralded a sparkly wonderful delicious sky that had not a cloud in it, it was good to be alive. During the night I had heard it rain without stopping and it certainly turned out to be a lovely surprise to find clear blue skies upon waking.

Wandering around poking my camera at all manner of things, covered in wondrous orbs of rain drops, the world was SO different from yesterday.

With a smile as wide as my face I couldn't get over how lovely it all was, so fresh, so bright, so clear and smelling like the world should.....clean!

The day carried on being wonderful for all the reasons that my usual followers are familiar with, the little things that are so normal and yet, at the same time, so splendid.
Who cares about what the weather does tomorrow??

Today has been just spiffing!

(the spiders web was catching light from a window display and I found it too wonderful...... I thought perhaps a fellow Blipper had found me when a lovely young lady asked what had caught my attention, she carried a camera, I explained and she said that a pic every day was impressive......she should see this place and some of the stuff we all chuck out!!!!!)

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