A Dusting of Snow

A chilly day but there's been plenty of sunshine.  It started snowing last night and there's been some more snow showers through the day. 

I ended up going out last night and had a great night in the hall at the Uyeasound Up Helly Aa.  It was late when I got back and I've had a long lie this morning.  I finally did get up and enjoyed time with sister Julie and family, mam, niece Elise, Brian and some of Julie's friends.  I thought about staying up for another night but with the snow on the roads, I thought it was best to get home, just in case.  The snow was too bad over most places but Scalloway area seemed to have caught it worst.  Walkies with Sammy and then think it will be a quiet night in.

I do love Julie's view from her house.  This was looking down over Haroldswick and the light dusting of snow, mainly over the hills here.  I hope to get out for a walk but not enough time, after my long lie this morning.  Taken from Lonahoull, Haroldswick.  

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