twinned with trumpton


And so she left after our week of peace; off on an 8 to work, whilst I hammered through the admin and paperwork. A decent day; I was looking forward to my wander around at lunchtime but then... She was WFH an had left the power cable, so... Off I trekked; dropped it off and then home again.

I finally gave up around 6; systems were shutting off for billing anyway, so dishes / laundry and then out to take her bike back (and give me blip opportunities).

I duly dropped the bike and sheets and slowly meandered home; in after 9 and spoke for an hour before I could resist sleep no more.

**Apologies for the lack of response on various posts recently; time and space have been in short supply of late; It's often as much as I can do to get a blip up; never mind respond to comments or do much more than a cursory glance at the ones I follow""

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