I wanted to take a ride in a carriage,
pennies I would not pinch.
I wanted to feel like royalty,
I wanted to feel like a prince.

I could be Prince Harry, Prince William,
or maybe even Prince Charming.
But, I turned out to be none of those...
I think people just found me alarming.

To those who REALLY know me,
know this couldn't be true.
'Cause, even if the ride was a dollar...
it's something Mr. Cheap would never do.

This was at the St. Petersburg Art Show. For a collage of some of the art work, see the Extras. The puppets on the top row were kind of freaky.

My tummy is still talking to me, and I've added a slight case of the dizzies, so I'm off to bed. Here's to a better tomorrow.

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