Getting Her Shot

Outside of my grandson or my great-niece (or my brother yesterday-HA!), I rarely post pictures that are "cute" But, I thought this was cute. But (a second but), what don't I like about the picture?

The scene makes me nervous. Sure, both of them had life jackets on. Sure, Mom was going very slow. Sure, she has probably trained Junior to sit very still. Sure, she stayed fairly near to the shore.

But...but...but (that's but #3, #4, and #5), TOO many things can go wrong. If the boat tips over, can Mom right the boat while hanging on to baby? If she can't right the boat, can she flutter kick to shore?

Like I said...cute, but (#6) too scary for me.

I think they would be better in a different kind of boat, one that is more stable. Check out a few more shots on my Flickr page. My Blip alternate was the pelican takeoff.

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