Beach Treasure

Danny and I have swapped roles today, I felt much healthier, and he took a nose dive...
It was SOOO good to get out and go for a prayer walk this morning. Then at lunchtime we took our sarnies & coffee to the beach, along with Thea & Rudy...nice to have some time together...
Also, tomorrow is Asha's amazing teacher's LAST's arrived...we're sad. She (Marta) only knew today!
Blipping early so I can be a good wife and provide TLC, starting with making a requested macaroni cheese for dinner...comfort food or what?!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling like I'm on the mend, just lingering nastiness now...but nothing too awful.
2) Abby sending us cake.
3) The wonderful influence Marta has been on Asha, and the kindness she's shown her during a potentially difficult season of life...

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