Free as a bird!

That's how I felt! Too much greyness had got me down so knowing there was going to be sun I looked for somewhere close to go - Lantivet Bay at only an hours drive away seemed to be the perfect place! The path leading to it looked promising,  lined with primroses it gave glimpses at what lay at the end and when I came to the gate and looked at the view I knew it had been the right decision! A green swathe leading to a sparkling sea. I had meant to do the 2 hour circular walk but as it was I stayed there for hours, walking along, down, up and just sitting and gazing! There were only 2 other people who  passed by  so I really did have it all to myself! Some of what I saw here!
My only stupid mistake was to follow the lower path down to the bay - of  which I later found this information " ultimately a very difficult climb down from the cliff tops" - no kidding! The path finished at some fishing buoys and it was a slither down the folding rocks. I was wearing my walking boots but they really didn't help much! Once down there were just more folding rocks to slither over to get to the actual sandy bay - so I just slithered a little way to take photographs of circular ripples in a rock pool! Then came the climb back up - I nearly panicked! I used two slabs of stone I  had picked up to help me go safely over the rocks, but once at the vertical face they were useless so it was a case of grab hold of any bits of rock sticking out and haul myself up carefully with one foot safely wedged in a rock crevice! Once at the top I sat down and ate some snacks, feeling as if I had just scaled Everest!!After taking photographs of the waves I set back up the path, which is when I discovered I had a very wet bum! At some point in my undignified slither over the rocks I had taken on water and it had soaked through my trousers, wooly tights, thermal tights and knickers!! It wasn't actually that cold - or maybe it was all my layers which made it seem that way, for I had taken off my jacket and 2 cardigans so had been in my shirt! 
Give me more days like this and the idea of random blipping will disappear! However just missing a blip has allowed me time to breathe and reassess what it is I take pleasure from in blipping - not least has been seeing other blippers photographs and keeping up with their lives. I felt rather like a voyeur - looking on but not actually participating - a strange but rather pleasant experience!! I might do it again even if I don't blip myself!!

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