Chicken Love!

Well come on! How could I not buy this! 
I had set my alarm to get up early and photograph the frosty sunrise - when I went to bed there was already frost all over my attic window. I woke before my alarm and lo! No frost! Lots of clouds and greyness! I had had a restless night so turned off my alarm and went back to sleep! I did think about going up the allotment but it felt so cold I stayed in and watched Tilly wander around outside after a cuddle! On finally getting to the allotment I discovered the coop would need cleaning, the wed/thurs cleaner had obviously decided another night on sparse and shitty shavings would be fine!  So rather than doing it in the heavy rain forecast for tomorrow I did it then. The girls were well unhappy when I disturbed them on my return with the clean shavings, they had eaten their treats and decided it was time for bed - contrary creatures - when I want them to go in they shilly shally around, when I want them to stay out they charge in as if seeking sanctuary! So after much clucking, wing flapping and jumping back up onto the perch I was trying to clear them from as I had moved it to allow me access, I managed to lay down the cardboard and spread the clean shavings, next stop incinerator! I was well peeved as I had discovered some numpty ( I use that term here but that is not what I called them at the time!)  had been dumping the shavings in my composters. When I found it at the weekend I gave them the benefit of the doubt as I have been using my other composter and these two were going to be used for my plot as was well rotted down and a lovely rich, crumbly texture. Maybe the shavings were put in them a while ago as I had not opened them all winter, I had simply scooped them out and burnt them. Tonight when I checked another new load! I have put a stern message on out facebook page telling them not to do this again!! On an irritating day like this with the chicken coop it's good to get home and gaze at my new picture and remind myself why I am a member of the coop! Because I love my girls! ( Also came home with a dark brown egg - another girl has come back into lay! It was totally dark when I left the allotment at nearly 7 after playing with the fire in the incinerator, but at least the lighter evenings are meaning the girls are back in egg production!)

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