Carlin Gill & Ulgill Rigg seen from Blease Fell

After a morning spent talking through my lessening options with the shoulder surgeon (provisional date set for October, more nasty but helpful injections to get through the summer season) - then a brain adlingly technical lunch meeting at Lyon Equipment I seemed to go into default processing mode - which means I drove home - put pooch in the car & headed IntotheHills.
I'd no real plan - but I'm lucky enough to have the Howgills on my doorstop - so parked up at the Heart of England I made my way up onto the fells - there's been a huge amount of tree planting on this hillside - which I'm sure will be fabulous in a decade or so - but for now it means that the first part of the walk round to Archer Moss is a walk through a sea of plastic sapling protectors - I was so pleased when they disappeared - almost in line with Carlin Gill, that that was where I decided to stop for a hot drink & take today's Blip - and the extra*.
We then made our way round to Uldale Head before heading North to Rispa Pike and West to the car. Short, but good for clearing the head.

* I just couldn't decide between these two nearly identical shots - please feel free to comment - I'll delete the extra eventually.

& so to Philosophy Friday:
"We lose ourselves in the things we love. We find ourselves there too."
Kristin Martz

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