Moisturisers & Mayhem
The Claytons came over with lunch - pulled pork no less!!! Delicious! Spent the afternoon making beeswax moisturisers with Abby - I've really got into this recently, and it's undoubtedly the best moisturiser I've ever used on my legs. Abby's hoping to get into making her own products too, so we had an afternoon pottering in the kitchen - this photographed lotion is scented with rosemary, lemon and a touch of lavender.
Then later in the afternoon, I opened the bathroom door and was greeted by water everywhere! We've had to turn all the water off & sacrifice towels...we're waiting for our landlady to help us out!
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Community.
2) Our flat being rented and not owned! Glad we can call on someone and that the buck doesn't stop with us!
3) That feeling of self-sufficiency when you can create your own things and not have to buy everything, eg, the moisturiser!
Fighting cockroaches in the bathroom since the water's been turned off!! Argh!!
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