Sitting in the Sun

The spring-winter really seems underway. After a wake-up cup of tea this morning I went out to the veranda and cleared away the snow. That was fairly hard work, taking about an hour, so I decided to enjoy the fruits of my labour directly. Another cup of tea, my book, and it was time to sit in the sun and enjoy the warmth.
As I sat there woodpeckers were drumming away, probably in competition with each other, advertising their territory and calling for a mate. Crows were being raucous. I could hear birds singing,  and a little later cumulus clouds appeared as the forest warmed and thermals began rising. All of these are signs of spring and today was the first time for birdsong and cumulus clouds.
How nice that all this was happening on a weekend day when we could be home and enjoy it!
The extras are the veranda before I cleared the snow and a landscape/cloudscape taken as we walked in the afternoon.

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