Twatt Selfie

Another lovely sunny and calm day.  Really getting used to this now.  Think it's back to normal tomorrow. 

A lazy Sunday morning to start the day.  I finally got up and going and out the door with Sammy.  Popped along my friend Julie in the afternoon, and me, Julie, Brian and Shannon headed out in the car for a run to the Waas and the west side.  We even saw a man skiing this afternoon.  The evening has been a bit more lazy again but have been out with Sammy and popped down to see mam too.  It's now a quiet night in, with the telly.

Really enjoyed my day out with friends.  Shannon moved up to Shetland  a year ago and wanted to explore.  While on our way to Waas, a must stop is at the Twatt sign for a selfie.  I'm sure the old sign just had Twatt on it but now seems to include Clousta.  Here's Shannon (Cordiner) on the left and Julie (Jamieson) on the right.  Taken at the Twatt junction.  

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