Do not try this at home!
Scientific experiments in the kitchen are best avoided.
I had a lovely morning at our Photo Class and came home ready to cook lunch and then go to Hexham to shop and for a haircut.
There was a whiff of burning when I arrived. Mum has a sore throat and decided to take some Mannuka honey. Our jar is ancient, so the honey was solid. I'd warmed a couple of teaspoonfuls for her last night, but she decided to warm the whole jar in the microwave.
Her first "experiments" were on medium heat and for a few seconds. Being a good scientist, she increased the time. Then she decided to use 1 minute, during which she popped downstairs (slow business on the Stannah of course) to do something.
After a while she went back to find the smoke alarm shrieking and the microwave smoking.
If this ever happens to you, do not open the microwave door. Anything that is combusting is best deprived of oxygen. You've guessed it - she opened the door and was engulfed in acrid fumes. Thankfully there were no flames.
Despite open windows (perishing outside) and scented candles, there is a sort of nasty burnt toffee smell throughout our dwelling!!
Amazingly the microwave cleaned up relatively easily - thanks Annette - and order is restored to the kitchen.
The pyromaniac is suitable embarrassed and this Blip won't help!
Off to see The Hangmen tonight at the cinema.
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