
When I awoke the creaks and stretches of the day were muffled and as I peeped groggily through the curtains I was surprised to see everything hidden under thick snow. The sky was grey but the day shone freshly in its whiteness, I had to get out there. I jumped in the shower and could see the sky crumbling away outside as huge flakes swarmed about the window. Gulping down a quick cuppa I pulled on the mysterious Christmas pudding hat that had arrived in December from goodness knows who, grabbed my camera and then I went out.

All my plans of a page 3 girl photo shoot, after yesterday's hilarity, were gone as I numbed the end of my fingers in the inches of icy flakes piled high on my car and for the sheer joy of it I caught snow on my tongue. I felt like a child and if I hadn't been scared of slipping I think I might have skipped down the road.

I had no plans on where I was going, I let the camera lead the way and I meandered across the Green. Daffodils were crushed and bent, lying shocked by the March snow, crocuses tried in vain to break the surface that suffocated them. I went off into the woods...normally, I never go there on my own because anyone who walks a dog lets them off their lead as soon as they enter. All dogs sense my nervousness and always run up to me, but the snow was far too enticing. In fact I didn't see another soul, I had the woods to myself as I slithered up and down the paths, squidged through the mud and was enveloped in the snow that fell as whispers that lingered in the air about me. It was magical and I had it all to myself. 

I did look for the herons when I reached the Dam, but they were obviously snuggled away out of the cold. The wetness was slowly seeping through my hat, my gloves and my coat so I headed down to Worsley Village and then called in at a friend's for a cuppa and a much needed bit of warmth before I came home. By the time I arrived home the huge snowflakes had shrunk and rain was turning the snow to slush and huge puddles. Now, well there are few clumps that cling desperately to the walls and the cars, but they are slowly slipping into a watery grave. It was beautiful and exciting, but it is over now. 

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