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By pplnani


I'm not a happy bunny at all today............the phone went early this morning ( it's never good news at that time of day), MiL has had another fall and is in hospital.....latest information seems to suggest a broken femur :-((( and as she was virtually housebound and refusing care assistants before, I'm dreading where this might take us :-/

Hubby's car had to go into the garage for a service and MOT........a phone call late morning tells us that all the brake discs and pads need changing :-((((.......latest information seems to suggest that all in this bit of bad news is going to run into four figures ......OUCH!!!

.........I think I'm just going to give up answering the phone as I'm dreading what the third thing might be!!!!

On the plus side it's been a beautiful sunny day and these Blue Tits were courting........picking seeds and offering them to each other........... unfortunately I couldn't catch a shot of them  actually doing it but it was soooooo sweet to watch :-)

Also I have included an extra of the card my daughter sent me yesterday......what a gorgeous shot (she didn't take it... it was bought) and definitely one that's on my wish list to take :-))

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