Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal

Hazel Down

What a productive day!

Sorted out the wardrobe and have a pile of old clothes to take to the charity shop. Bagged up several old pairs of shoes and trainers and dumped them in the shoe/clothes recycling bin and tidied out the study (lots of stuff going to the tip). I'm feeling very virtuous!

As a treat to myself I headed over to a small village right by the river Test west of Stockbridge this evening - I'd seen there was a footpath over the river on the maps and thought it might make a nice picture to put up. It was very pretty, an I spent the best part of an hour there. Some of the shots were really nice.

Driving back home the overcast skies cleared a little and the sky lit up orange. The rain earlier had left a bit of mist over the ground. I managed to find a suitable lay-by to pull in which luckily had this view over to Hazel Down.

I'll head back to the bridge over the Test another day!

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