Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Howdy friends.

Having a mobile upload moment because it's late and I'm tired. Sorry I haven't been blogging it's not like I've been busy or anything I'm just really lazy, but this weekend I went to Manchester to celebrate mine and Lee's one year anniversary.

It's sort of crazy to think that it's been a year considering I probably haven't seen him that many times. I must admit it has been a whirlwind of emotions but nonetheless it is still being one of the best years I can remember. Some highlights include going to centre parks in December, eating our own weight in so many treats and The Sunday afternoons where we lay in bed watching a nature documentary is narrated by only David Attenborough. Who is now my one true love.

Manchester has accidentally become a large part of my life. From being somewhere that I had only been to once to now being somewhere that I could probably live. I must admit Lee felt that way when I first met him he was in front of Manchester all and for some reason the pair of us have grown to really love the city.

Manchester will always be a big part of my life even if things go tits up, which I really hope they don't. But it's nice to know I've expanding further than just my comfort zone. Even though trains should have a loyalty card.

Happy blipping

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