
By CharlotteJ

My Baby Sweetheart!

Today I turned 30+6.....the best gift today was my dad trying to sing Happy Birthday with Mum down the phone, he did so well!!!  I spoke to dad, we chatted in a very simple way and he called me by name, not in full but my name that only he is allowed to get away with and that is Charley .  He then said something I will never forget 'I love you my Baby Girl Sweetheart'.  Since dad had his stroke he has called me Baby Girl which is recognition enough but to hear Charley was just amazing and he said it with such confidence!  I love my dad, I wish, I wish....... he wasn't the vulnerable man he is now, he is was so strong, he was / is an athlete, he was / is an incredibly intelligent man, he was /is just everything, the first man I loved, the first man in my life, the first man I trusted, he is also a man I don't know anymore, well  I do, but he is changing and I don't know how to cope with that......he is incredible and i doubt I will ever tell him how proud i am to be his daughter.......I can't tell him because he can not cope with emotion.  

My day has been lovely.......I have enjoyed photo messages, text messages,  Facebook messages, a gift from my girls at the office in the UK, my lovely bracelet from my parents, my gift from my nieces, my lovely flowers from my hubby, the treat of an ice cream, a few bubbles, my lovely messages from friends, the random kitchen dancing and a lovely dinner and my dad trying, yeah today was perfect!

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