The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

What a lot of work a puppy is! 

I have had quite a lot of wobbles about whether this is a good idea or not. The main thing was the endless pooing and weeing indoors - no matter  how much of a beady eye I kept on her she managed to do both before I could stop her ..

However yesterday evening, this morning and this evening she has gone outside (with encouragement), I'm beginning to recognise the signs .. though I still get twitchy when she goes on walkabout on her own .. *Spoke too soon*

SInce she arrived she has eaten my iPhone cable, my MacBook cable (£65), a puppy training book friends lent me, her harness, her extendable lead ..  ho hum ..

Last night was horrid - for three nights I'd slept in what I had intended to be 'her' bedroom .. but have since decided the kitchen was a better place for her to sleep. To give her a gentle change I decided to sleep on the hall side of the baby gate (which she is quite able to jump over!) In spite of the fact I was right next to the gate and could stroke her through the bars, she cried and cried and cried ..  she got slightly quieter at lights out - but dragged all her bedding over to the gate so she could sleep next to me.

Tonight I'm going to shut her in her crate which I've sprayed with some stuff which is supposed to calm dogs down - wish me luck!

And today we have been shopping, to the vets, to the hairdressers, to the beach, to the countryside ..

We're both very tired!

Tomorrow I collect mum (I was to collect her on Wednesday - but felt more time was needed to settle in the puppy) It's mum's 89th birthday tomorrow - but I might not mention it - and just do it on Saturday instead ..

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