Just the Withers......

By JaneW

It was meant to be a quick walk ...

2 hours later and one of our best mini adventures ever we make it back to my car ....
Chazminda (male offspring belonging to DDLC) was already off school as they had teacher training ... DDLC and I promised to take him to the spooky bricked up house .. He likes having the crap scared out of himself ...
When DDLC and I walked up the track (there is no road ) to the house three days ago it was bricked up everywhere ... When we took Chaz back today SOMEONE has kicked some of the door way in and there were strange graffiti signs over the old fireplace ... Plus there was a clean duvet and a sheet lying up the corner of the room !! We wouldn't go in as the ceiling was coming down in the hallway and I was worried a mass murderer was listening to us discuss the fact that someone called Sally Ann had left her name sprayed on a wall and drawn a rather stumpy looking penis ....we spent a fair while discussing the fact a sniper could be watching us and maybe a red dot would appear on me and my last words would be ' you can have my vast handbag collection ' ...
Anyway instead of heading back we decided to venture further into this meadow lands area which has loads of little pathways all over it ... We ended up slightly stranded when an old cut through had been fenced off by a 8ft wire fence ... Rather than go back .. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO SAY .... Yes we broke the law ... We sent the dogs under gap in a fence .. Chazminda flew over this gate (he's about 5kg soaking wet and is like a spider monkey ) I then managed to get up to the top of the fence and hooked my chubby little leg over and realised that on the other side there is NO WHERE to put ones feet ... Barbed wire ran down the sides of the fence of doom.. There was only one thing for it ... I had to just cock my other leg over and SLITHER down attempting to use my upper body strength to lower me ... It sort of worked .... I did slither down and dangle and drop ... I then urged DDLC ... I said 'just hang,I will catch you '... She did indeed cock her leg over and then the other and DANGLE ... So I grabbed her buttocks !!! haaaahaaaaaaaaaa why ?? I don't know but she didn't fall and no one wet themselves ...
After much merriment about joining the SAS or Navy seals we set off back to the car ... Stopping to let Chazminda play under a bridge ..... I can honestly say it was a splendid walk ...

I nearly forgot ... Dash the puppy tried to get himself a turkey roast ... He spotted some turkeys on a farm and ALMOST broke loose under the gate .... But he was no match for DDLC and I and our gate climbing abilities ....
I think we might go train the marines ....

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