Blip Snap
You'll never guess where I am.
A long day, a friend I haven't seen for 20 years, and all the rest that Paris has to offer.
More on all this when I'm done with being all Paris-y.
Though this text is arriving long after the event, I don't want to forget what I did. Awful traffic had me late arriving at the airport and very stressed. The carpark card not working was an unnecessary additional incident. However, security was speedy and the seat next to me on the plane was broken, so I didn't feel so crammed in as I normally do. Once in Paris, off on the train and metro to the East of the city to meet a school friend I have not seen for 20 years! We met at the restaurant she runs with her partner, and any fears we would need name badges were allayed as soon as I opened the door - and there we were, 18 again and just the same as always!
Some wine at the bar while Tara finished service, and we chatted about this and that and got caught up a bit. Then lunch with her and her partner, many wines (they were choosing some new ones for the wine bar half of the business - so I was just helping really...) and an all too short tour of their quartier. It looks like just the type of place I could live: buzzing with all manner of restaurants and shops. With a lot of regret that it was such a short visit, and with promises to get together properly really soon, I plunged back into the metro (slightly wobbly with wine) and dashed across town to check into our accommodation for the weekend, a very flash apartment with, as you can see, a fine view of a local landmark.
The others arrived just after I'd been out to stock the fridge with essentials (fizz, water, grapes, chocolate) and we arranged to meet at our restaurant for the night, a lovely little Japanese inspired (but only a bit) place not far from the apartment. As is often the case, dinner was a fairly rowdy affair... And we were shushed by a table of folk. Happily the waiter thought we were fun and so was having none of that. A short (loud) stumble home with Tower Selfies and a bit of chat before bed.
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