
By FarmerGirl

The old oak tree

This picture was taken down by our almost redundant woolshed. This oak tree offered lots of shade when we were tailing and drenching lambs in the heat of the summer. Now we don't have many sheep, but the old oak tree still offers a bit of shelter to calves in spring.

Today has been raining off and on, and when I took this picture, the sun (which we have seen very little of today), was just about overshadowed by the dark clouds coming across the sky.

It is amazing how fast the water has receded overnight and during the day. We are left with debris on parts of the road where the water has gone over the road, very saturated ground and muddy paddocks where the cows have been. But we are the lucky ones - at least we had no water through our house or damage to our farm property.

Many thanks for all your kind comments and thoughts after posting yesterday's blip. It was very much appreciated. I sent yesterday's picture to TV One news, and it (briefly) made it onto the news last night - what excitement! My pictures also made it to spotlight the past two days - this would not have been possible without your support. Thank you.

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