
By littlesedz

Feeding the ducks

Tried to get up at 6.20 this morning, but after my late night last night mummy said I had to close my eyes and go back to sleep. I managed until around 7 then went for snuggles in mummy and daddy's bed watching toy story.
This afternoon auntie nic nic, ava and lollie (hollie) came round and we went for a walk down the canal feeding the ducks, and then to the park. Ava likes playing teacher so me and hollie spent lots of time being bossed around - mummy's not too sure how long it'll be before I start telling ava 'no'!! We had a lovely afternoon and they came back to our house for some of mummy's birthday cake. I was very upset when I woke up from my power nap to find they had gone home!

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