Day 16

Mottarone and Isola Bella

0 miles

Possibly my favourite day so far. Three new experiences for me.

Cablecar up the mountains to Mottarone - fantastic views of Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta and the surrounding mountains. Then a chair lift another hundred feet or so for even better views (photos all a bit rubbish though).
Then back down the chair lift bit via something called Alpiland, which is a sort of cross between a bobsleigh and a fairground ride over a mile of ups and downs, twists and turns. You control the speed yourself, it was equally terrifying and exilerating - we attempted to video it - it is a minute's worth of me screaming and shouting "slow down" repeatedly.

We came back down to earth and headed back over to Isola Bella to show EJ the slightly bonkers garden that covers over half the Island.
Count Barromeo built it for his wife as an act of love (and a bit of showing off, Napoleon and Josephine stayed there).

Brilliant day - I think EJ may be regretting joining us, we have walked the legs off her today...bless.

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