Colasanti Collage of Color

It is 98 degrees out. That is not a complaint...just a statement. I tried to get up early to take a walk, then take a drive.

I ended up at a store called Colasanti's. It is a garden center/fruit and veggie stand/ deli/ gift shop/ bakery. I bought some bread, sausage soup, carrots, zucchini, pulled pork, and some apples. The soup was delicious. Big chunks of sausage, onions, and peppers in a tomato base.

The store has a good sized pond in front of their property. It is usually filled with birds. I hope LBorla (Capture Life...) can explain what happened to the birds. There weren't very many on the premises. Did they get a better offer someplace else? Did the store stop putting out their old veggies? Just a few swans, and a few odd ducks.

Until I joined Blip...I don't think I appreciated flowers very much. Such a world of color that I missed. I still am working on the identification part. On my flickr page...I put the full sized pictures along with the peacock feathers. I know 2 are lilies, but I don't know the other 2.

At our farmers market on Thursday...a vendor was selling peacock feathers for a buck. I asked if any peacocks were hurt in the taking of the feathers. They laughed, but wouldn't answer. Just like the flowers...such pretty colors.

Another Monday night on our church drywall job. The job is up in the attic. If it's 95-98 outside...add about 10-15 degrees by going into the attic. Like a cheerleader might yell..."OUR TEAM IS HOT-HOT-HOT! That's an understatement. Plus...we have to carry more 12 x 4 foot pieces up the 18 stairs. Hope the young guys show up.

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