Judging A Couch Dive

Everything is a contest, isn't it?

With that in mind...I'm picking apart Merrick's jump...his leap.

1. Like any good diver, he is checking out his landing, and imagining how the jump is going to go...how it's going to evolve.

2. The foot plant is everything. You must have a good plant before launching yourself into the air.

3. and 4. The takeoff. Without a good start...the dive is doomed from the start. I think I'll have to deduct some points for not having his hands together, although the look on his face might make for some of those deductions.

Diving aside...Merrick's momma is sick, his dad has a bad back, and Merrick has a cold. He slept at our house last night to give his mom some sleep time.

Just in case you think Merrick is always fun and games...this morning he grabbed a check from the table, ripped it in 3 pieces, then wadded it up. When I realized what he had...I looked him right in the eye, and said..."You give me that piece of paper!" He stared right back, and threw the paper over the railing into the family room. "ARRGGHHH!"

Then, he grabbed a quart of blueberries from the fridge. "Grapes...Papa...Grapes."


Too late. Half the berries ended up on the floor. Citing the 5 second rule...I scooped them into my mouth...filling it. (Hey...you gotta teach the kid, don't ya?) Again...ARRGGHHH!!

Last one. He again opens the fridge, and grabs the orange juice carton. He takes the cap off, and begins to guzzle it. (Where does he LEARN that?) On top of that bad habit...he dribbles the juice all over the front of his shirt. So...(this is the last one)...ARGGGHH!!!

A few more cute shots of the boy are on my FLICKR PAGE. He really was quite good this morning, in spite of the mishaps. He makes me laugh, and he melts my heart.

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