"To the Water...My Little Swanettes!!!

It is 99.5 degrees F...on its way to 101. I stopped at a riverside park in Holly, Michigan...hoping to find some bugs and butterflies. I found both, but the pictures were so-so.

I walked on a small path for about 15 minutes. There is just no way to avoid the heat. Even the creatures big and small seem to be seeking out the shade.

I noticed the swan family across the street. Luckily, the park has a small spot there, too. Mom and Dad and 4 cygnets. Toddlers...I'd say. In that gawky stage...but still cute. Mom and Dad regal as usual.

I was glad they were there, because I don't want to go out later. I did stop to see naturelover and her grandkids and husband. She invited me to snap her baby frogs, but after seeing her frog picture today...there was NO WAY I was going to go up against that! Frogtastic!

I did get a couple dragon shots, and I put them on my flickr page...along with 2 more swan shots...and a duck picture that makes you go..."HUH?"

I might join the babies and go out for a swim later. We also have a new place in town called Panda Water Ice. A sorbet type treat. I don't like the word...but it's YUMMY. A dip into the water, and a dip into a Lemon Peel iced treat. A plan be unfoldin......

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