The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

What a horrendous day - torrential rain and freezing cold. I took Maisie for an unpleasant walk, then we headed off for dog training, which fortunately was undercover.

I wept on the trainer, I wept when I came home, I wept on our old neighbour who kindly popped in to give me moral support.

Then I went to visit mum. She was happily sitting, squished between two ladies on the sofa. I handed her Ginger (her toy dog) whose nose I'd replaced as Maisie had bitten the original one off. 

She looked at him and said he was lovely - she had one just like him and he was called - oh, what was it??  'Ginger?' I suggested - she looked amazed - how on earth did I know. Ah well.

She was ambling about all over the place using her zimmer frame, wishing everyone 'Happy Christmas' and as predicted was acting pretty much like this was where she'd lived years.

It made me feel better - although I had a little sad moment when one of the carers had said mum had given her a hug and said that she missed her. I think she thought it was me ..

Here is poor, poor Jack.

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