
By feefifofum

My dad

My dad is one of a kind. He's of that generation (he's in his early 70's) where if something was broken, you fixed it, even if you didn't really know how! Because of this I don't think there is anything he couldn't fix, or at least I like to think so! As my sister commented when I posted the picture on Facebook "if man made it Susan, man can fix it!".

So Mum and dad were up house hunting/visiting, and dad broke one of my chairs (he leant back, shocking). He didn't have time to fix it and the other already broken one himself while he was here, and I drew the line at him taking them 300 miles home to fix, so he sent me this DIY package. It had all the necessary, and probably unnecessary screws and washers as well as some instructions, including a slightly patronising description of a Philips screwdriver and some gloves to protect my delicate female hands. I know he's just being nice, I won't be too upset that he thinks I don't even know what a Philips screwdriver is! Ironically the glue was totally solid, I think he would send me a new one if I asked, but I think B&Q let women in these days so I should be ok! On a serious note, I don't know what I'd do without him, he's always looking out for me in his own funny ways :)

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