Popillia Japonica

I hated to do it...Oh...how I hated to do it. Post my second Japanese beetle in less than a week. I don't even like them, although I do think their colors are stunning.

I like how close the bugs will let you get to them. With my close up lenses...this guy looks huge, but actually he was close to maybe half-an-inch.

I decided to play good cop- bad cop with him.

Good first. "You are a very pretty boy. I just love the color of your head and thorax...almost a better green than a ducks head!"

"Thank you...sir."

Bad guy jumps in. "You are disgusting! How can you be so destructive? Even though you're pretty...you're nothing but a GRUB!! Stay in the ground where you belong!!"

Even in the ground...they attract the moles. (2 dead moles in my back yard this week. Who's killing them?) Then...when they get out...they attack 200 different types of plants.

After my bad cop told off the insect...he dropped to the ground. One more zinger..."And...who taught you how to fly? You're horrible!!"

I guess it proves the old point...Beauty is only thorax deep.

Slap him into LARGE to see his white hair. Maybe he's an old beetle...someone like Sir Paul McCartney. "Listen(ooh-wah-ooh)...do you want to know a secret?(ooh-wah-ooh) Do you promise not to tell?(whoa-oh-oh-oh)Closer(ooh-wah-ooh)...let me whisper in your ear...I don't like these guys much.

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