
By DavzoBroon

Hospital visit

Today Gavin was admitted to the sick kids hospital for an operation that he will get tomorrow.Think i have mentioned before that Gavin has a baclofen pump under his skin in his tummy with a cafeter inserted into the base of his spine and the pump is programed to give him a dose of the drug every day,the pump has been in him for nine years so its needing replaced so thats what the surgeons will do tomorrow.Hayley and i were in visiting him tonight and cheryl is going to stay with him in hospital.

When we left to come home i walked around the meadows for a wee while looking for some inspiration then i came to the link which runs through the meadows and is a short cut up town aand is used by cyclists and pedestrians.

Home now for my tea it has been a very hectic day,and a worrying day ahead tomorrow chin up all will be well:)

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