Baking with Aunty Kay
We had a really wonderful day today! K got up fairly early. She played legos on her bed for a while before we got dressed and ready. We all left Grandad's shortly before 9 to go to my aunt's. Granny and Grandad went to work, we spent a fabulous day with my cousins etc. Katie had a brilliant time crafting with my aunt for a while. She then played outside in the garden chasing cousin James. Aunty Kay suggested that she come and bake with her as they'd bought her an adorable new biscuit cutter. She loved doing it. Katie and James chased round some more whilst we made lunch.
After a tasty salad type meal we all headed to the North Bay. We walked round Peasholm Park and Glen then into the Gardens, down to the sea front. Katie and James ran into the sea and skimmed stones for a while. She cartwheeled and played too of course. We walked back up to the park just as Uncle Keith and the girls arrived, in perfect time for a much anticipated HopManGer Boat Race. Which Team Girl won!! Despite losing our early lead after a crash into and entangling with a tree due to inexperienced coxing from the 6year old, we made up our ground on the third lap and won with a clear 5 boat lengths.
We all headed back to my aunt's to make dinner, which my parents arrived to join us for. It was a lovely meal, including some yummy bubbles all round. A relaxed evening followed. Katie took herself upstairs to play clarinet a while before she came back down. We stayed at my aunt's for the first time (we usually head back to my dad's but had been invited to stay) and it was lovely!
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