
TheGirl woke up at a reasonably sociable 6.45, around the same time my aunt was beginning to surface. The three of us sat colouring in downstairs for an hour whilst the rest of the house slowly rose. We had a nice breakfast all together then packed the car. Morning coffee was served and Katie insisted on some clarinet time with Aunty Kay. My cousins had kindly offered to drive us home on the start of their journey back down south so we set off after coffee. En route, they then asked if we would like to go for dinner at Prezzo. We got to our house, Katie gave them the guided tour then we all walked for lunch. Food was realllly tasty, company was excellent - and two bottles of prosecco were totally free! (one is chilling in my fridge for a special occasion!) She insisted on having her meatballs separate to her spaghetti. She ordered the dessert calzoni with ice cream, and so did James. The calzoni ended up going to James, the ice cream to Katie! 

Once we had said goodbye to the cousins, Katie and I did a few little jobs in town then headed back home. She had a long time creating some artworks in her bedroom that I haven't been allowed to see yet. We then had to go finish a job so I let her have a bakery tea. We had a great time doing some music - she was exploring a bunch of new recorder pieces, we did some duets and she then did a bit of her piano. She began to then began to flag so we snuggled in bed with stories. She was so keen to read to me but she really was too tired. Big cuddles instead tonight! 

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