Cloudy Tavistock

Trip to tavistock for knitting needles! I got the cable needles I needed but neither shop had the size of circular needle my sister needed - so she bought them online on her return, along with 3 different balls of wool to make 3 more pairs of socks! I think obsessive behaviour runs in the family!
I also bought a  wine red with large white spots jacket! My sister said I didn't need it and think of my pension - she is the more sensible sister! I of course ignored her advice / command! 
Having snooped in our favourite shops we went home via the recycling center  - which is when the dark clouds that had been looming decided to unleash their phenomenal amount of water! So we sat in the car and watched everyone else getting drenched!
On our return I found a tiny blue egg from Pip in the coop! It's too precious to crack and eat! So now just got to see what size and colour of egg Isabella will lay! They are now all happily coming into the conservatory - but unhappily eating my plants - I have had to move them up higher so out of the reach of their beaks! They are also making tentative forays into the kitchen - only Tilly knows where the cat food is, but I think the others know she must be going further in for some reason and it's just a matter of time before they discover what it is! 
After our vegetarian roast sister completed the Kantha Hare she brought down with her. It is a fabric dyed with woad, which was used to dye the blue threads in the Bayeaux Tapestry, and then a running stitch is used to create the design in the fabric - it is an ancient indian technique apparently! It's very pretty! I might blip it later in the week! But for today it's the  Church of St Eustachius with the storm clouds! It dates from 1265 but was newly built in 1318 and only a few traces of this remained by the end of that century having been  largely rebuilt in the Perpendicular style! I rather like it's new appearance!!!

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