We Are Not Amused!

I tackled my resources room today! It's only taken me over 2 years to make a start on it! Cleared a quarter of the room and most of it to be taken to the Recycling centre! I know why it's taken me so long but as with most things that hang over you with their need to be done, I couldn't help but think why didn't I do this sooner! 
By the time we finished the sun had come out so after lunch we divided the Sempervivums into their clay pots and used the chicken grit to cover the soil. Mine were put in my mini greenhouse and they do look good! 
I decided to let Milkshake out under close supervision. She didn't venture further than the steps outside the conservatory as Tilly and Polly were out. Both species eyed each other up warily and after some considerable time Milkshake went to pounce on Polly! She was swiftly packed off inside again! I let her out again a bit later and she decided to watch the sparrows instead!
In the evening I obsessively tidied the various baskets and piles of paper downstairs - even staples got put in the metal recycling bag! Sister happily knitted and watched TV! I will take her somewhere nice tomorrow - via the recycling centre!!

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