High Up in the Smokies

I'll bathe her in a mountain stream,
and clothe her legs in leather slippers,
and let the light from the Big Dipper...
be a halo for her hair.
                        Dave Loggins, The Girl From Knoxville

I thought (just for a second) about asking Lisa if she wanted to sneak upstream, strip down, and take a little dip...but I didn't want the response of the famous 3 words.


The air temp was great (75F), but the water temp was c-c-c-c-old. So, we just enjoyed looking at the moving water.

Check out the "house" in the Extras. (That's Lisa in the doorway.) Even though this cabin had 2 separate rooms, the family that lived here had 9 children. 9 CHILDREN!!

I think Mom and Dad must have done some "bathing" in the mountain stream. To give you a little time perspective...Mom  passed away in 1926, and Dad passed in 1930.

It had to be a hard life to live up so high in the mountains, completely cut off from any form of town or city.

This was taken on the Roaring Fork Motor Trail in the  Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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