Mandela Day

Today is a day of celebrations! Our family patriach - Zaida turns 73, Mandela turns 94 and today is my official Blip starting date! See my first One Year Ago below. (I am so excited about that.) Thank you again for all the comments I received for my 365 Blip. I still can't believe that I have been blipping for a year already.

I left home a little earlier today to make sure I could capture a mountain sunrise on our way to school to match my first ever Blip!

The spirit of Mandela Day began at 8am with the school gathering in the amphitheatre to sing Happy Birthday to Madiba. We joined millions of school children across the country who pledged to sing at that time!

The day has been declared International Mandela Day by the UN. The idea is to give 67 minutes to the community in honour of the 67 minutes Nelson Mandela gave to serving South Africa.

We had several projects planned for the day and it was just great moving around and watching the children getting involved. Our Pre-Primary invited another school to come over for a fun morning and puppet show. Our High School boys enjoyed a social game of soccer with a local school's team. Our High School girls went to their school and taught the girls how to knit. The Primary School made dog toys and donated food which the grade 7s then took to our local animal shelter. The foundation phase learners donated baby products and made a mobile to take to our local orphanage. Wow! what a lot of community service we did today!

Walk Proud MCS!

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