.......I should have known better......

Got home today to find the conservatory not finished!

Should have known it!

The constructor couldn't fifnish the tie-bar because a piece was missing......the electrician couldn't fit the light/fan because the tie bar wasn't finished....the constructor couldn't fit the sills because the electrician wasn't finished wiriing the sockets......the electrician couldn't fit the heater because he had the wrong socket....and the heater hadn't been delivered....the constructor couldn't fit the down pipe because the bend sections weren't available.......so the electrician fitted the outside lights and four of the sockets...the constructor fitted half a tie bar and the guttering.....and they might be back tomorrow or maybe Thursday to finish off...the heater, the sills, the down pipe, the light, the tie bar, the roof ridge, plus the 14 other little faults we've found like the not straight door handle, the missing screw covers, the section of unsealed flashing etc etc.

Knew it was all going too smoothly.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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