
By LadyPride

Back in the saddle

Was nice to be back being a stay-at-home Mum again today. I do love my days on my own with Audrey with no time pressures or places we have to be.

Am pretty happy just hanging out with her especially after a day away like yesterday. Shame she was such a grump today though, nothing seemed to please her. Putting it down to a bad mood on her part, happens to us all! Didn't stop me enjoying the day for once either.

Popped to the shops with The Grump in the pram, ate sushi from the fancy fishmongers for lunch and watched a film between feeds. Oh and hung out reading my fresh Amazon delivery of baby books in the garden while Audrey napped (see pic). This is the life!

Let's hope the little one wakes up on the right side of the moses basket tomorrow!!!

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