Game Face

Bowling, second time this year after decades of absence at Tess' request. Kids both got their first strikes. And Sam was doing a nifty post-bowl spin and pose that he wasn't even aware he was doing. He's got da moves.

I was no stranger to getting a turkey in times past however today I got three 0s in a row. Is that like a Bernard Mathews?

We booked two games, it took two flippin' hours because every flippin' time we bowled the motherflippin' lane broke down, and it took ages to sort. I had total bowl rage which may, i reluctantly concede, have driven me to get the odd spare and a rare strike (like when you fight with your beloved and then engage in martyr levels of housework in some sort of nonsensical protest). But mostly it just made me want to take a bowling ball and ram it through the perpetually down barrier, again and again and again....I'm in need of a long nature walk to restore the balance.....although to be fair, nature was with us all along....Codonas...where germs coalesce on every surface...

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