Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Friday -- Celebrating with Flowers

Next week is officially spring break, but as far as I am concerned, it started yesterday when I finished my school duties (yes I have plenty of essays to grade during these days off). Thankfully yesterday's committee meeting that I had to attend ended very early.

Then Mr. Fun and I and the three pups got settled in our vehicle, and the five of us headed for California's Central Coast. I drove the entire way because on our last trip home from the coast Mr. Fun drove, and honestly, I thought I was riding with Ricky Racer. Not fun!

So today we had the opportunity of going to the Friday Farmers Market in Cambria (which is about 14 miles north of our community of Cayucos). We purchased some of Stephanie's delicious soup, and some delicious strawberries for us and carrots for our dogs. What I wanted the most were a dozen roses to celebrate the arrival of spring break.

So these are my celebration roses. The beautiful coral rose was a bonus that the rose man gave to me when I purchased a dozen roses. They were $10 for a dozen. I think that is a fair price, maybe even a bargain.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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