Game of Thrones Tour

(Proper) Early rise today as we needed to be at the tour meeting point by 915am. I expected a large coach to pick us up but we were greeted by a 25-30 seater van. It was nevertheless ok since the tour guide was nice and entertaining.
There was a long period of sitting down before we arrived at the very first location, Castle Black. Unfortunately, we cannot enter the vicinity. We just slowed down in front of the gate and I was able to get a very blurry shot of the set. The structure was all black and from afar, you can clearly make out the funicular that was used by the "Black Brothers" to scale the "wall". The site was an old quarry site and looks very different from what is being shown in the HBO series. A lof of CGI animation must have been added to create the effect of snow.

Carrick-a-rede (Rock in the Road) was next in the itinerary. It is a rope bridge which connects the main island to one of the smaller islands. It was constructed by fishermen to gain easy access to the area in the sea where salmons swim. The bridge is 66 ft across and is 98ft above the rocks and water below. It wasnt a long bridge but since it was windy and the people in front of me were swinging and jumping while on the bridge, I got so scared and may have screamed "Noooo!!" and "Mommyyy!!" at some point. It was a fun experience though.

The Antrim Coast cave was next. We went into the cave where Melisandre giving birth to a baby shadown was filmed. We got the chance to dress up like one of the Black Brothers and hold a plastic sword (See Extra Photos).

Next in the itinerary was the Giant's Causeway (See Extra Photos). The very reason why I joined the tour anyway. It was such an amazing feeling to have finally visited the place. I hopped from one hexagonal rock to another wondering how mathematical nature is. I would have wanted to stay longer and just stare at the beauty of the hexagonal rocks but we have to push on. Last on the tour was the Dark Hedges (See Extra Photos). Definitely not the least. It was mesmerizing to be driving under the canopy of 300 year old Beech trees. It was even magical to walk under it. It was definitely worth the wait. Very satisfied tourist here.

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