Birthday prep

It's Will's birthday tomorrow and after dinner (Birthday Eve Bolognaise) he and I made his birthday cake. As we were making it, I engaged in general conversation:

Me: it's a shame you don't like those number biscuits any more, we could have made some number 9's.

Will: no, I really like those biscuits, I would be very happy with some.

Me: oh.

So, a quick trip out to buy more eggs and we knocked up some number 9's too. Just as well, I am very unsure about the cake and won't know if it has worked until we actually eat it.

In other news, what a very lovely sunny day! Also, my weight loss plan devised on Monday ( oh, just yesterday then) intending to lose just a tiny amount of weight each week, resulting in a cumulative tremendous loss by the end of the year has resulted in putting two pounds on since yesterday......

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