water 12 - Surrounded by water

Last of the series!

There was something melancholic, a bit sad, about this boat, there on its own..

Last night I went to the birthday party of a friend of mine. Do you remember I mentioned a cake with a joke message on it? Well, here it is! I couldn't blip it today because it has yesterday's date on it.

I had a great time in the party, but maybe I drank a bit too much and the party finished late as well. This morning I was woken up by the sun!! and the car noises coming from Leith Walk far too early in the morning. I couldn't go back to slip so I've been a bit like a zombie with a hangover all day, haha!

It's been mostly sunny with a bit of rain halfway through the day. I went to two camera shops to have some advice about the problem with my camera. It looks like I have something on the sensor and it needs cleaned. This should be covered by my warranty but, as I dropped my camera on the floor one day and it has scratches on it, they might invalidate it. Jessops would charge me £25 to send the camera for repair and it would take quite a while to get it back. Cameratiks in Morningside Rd, would charge me £48 to clean the sensor and it would take one week. Decisions, decisions...

Anyway... After that a grabbed bus number 16 and I went all the way to Newhaven to take some pictures. As you can see, I've been all over the place!

The sun wasn't particularly shining when I was there taking pictures, but it's shining now that I'm at home. Sod's law!

Back to work tomorrow :(

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's puddle reflection! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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