Agility With Obstacles

The new, intermediate agility class was to start tonight! We went for a nice morning walkie, but then mum had to go shopping and told me to rest so I would be alert and ready for tonight. Hmph. I don't need to rest. But all right then.

The real issue was that mum was told by her physiotherapist yesterday that she couldn't do agility training! No running for at least two weeks! Noo! But we went there anyway, and I looked everywhere for my friend Tova, who was supposed to be there, but she wasn't there.

Let's just say it wasn't the most glorious of agility lessons. Mum was in pain and couldn't do us justice, and I was so happy and bouncy and ready to go that I ran several jumps and tunnels when I was supposed to do only one, and stopped looking back at mum, wondering why she wasn't running with me. It is HARD to train agility when mum is not allowed to run. We were happy to be back on the agility field though.

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