Evening Flower

Ha! Energy levels restored and a day of activity! I have a list of things to be done but wasn't sure what to start on - but given it was a sunny day the conservatory windows it was! Another spider encounter - the little blighters just love the edges and make copious cobwebs! I like to think of them as my handmade flycatchers - but they also catch bees and butterflies so not so good. Much manouvering of one of those extendable window cleaner poles and as many little spiders put outside as I could. I wasn't so keen on the medium sized ones which suddenly dropped on me! We have biting spiders down here so I'm always a bit wary! 
I was interrupted by a "genuine gypsey" - or so she assured me! I did recognise her from when she called many years ago, and she did seem genuine! Ipassed on the crochet things and bought 4 blessed shells - sucker I know! But anyone who goes door to door encountering many refusals if not downright rudeness deserves some generosity!
I then tackled the Laundry "room" - basically a long walk in cupboard with the washing machine at the end! Second only to the space under the stairs for true awfulness! All manner of things are stacked on the machine and the shelf above - which is a bracket affair hanging on by a wish and a prayer - both fail frequently and things come tumbling down regularly! The cupboard also houses  a cat litter tray and airer and spinny airer so an absolute nightmare to get in and out of! Did i mention the cans of paint on the two shelves running the length of the room? I also store empty water containers for water shortage here or on the allotment, and plant trays, and yes all of the above have fallen on me at one point or another! I wouldn't like to lay odds on how many of the tins of paint are dried up - they have been there many years! One day I will check them but today was not the day!
Instead I threw out Amelia's old water bowl, cave and huge branch of old wood, many towels, blankets, an electric "thing" which makes bubbles in your bath - a home spa if you will believe it. I never take baths! Used it twice! I never relax in the bath - just lie there and think now what, and get out all hot and headachey! I took all the wooden crates out for seed sowing at some point this week - chickens were convinced I was bringing out food - or maybe they just hoped I was! I love how when tidying you basically move things from one cubby hole to another! 
I also discovered some solar lights which were not working - I think  my three little mice I had before the rats moved in nibbled the wires and they needed splicing,  twirling, electric taping and putting out! Then I sorted a bag of marbles I found in the resources room and added them to the ones outside. Then I stopped and ate! Still restless I even picked up my sock wool  blanket and started another square - been a long while since I've done any. 
i wonder what I will do tomorrow! 

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