Dockey Wood

It's our wedding anniversary today & so to celebrate we thought we would go & look at the Bluebells in Ashridge Park. They were absolutely stunning...I can honestly say that I have never seen as many as we saw today. Of course I took loads of shots & as we were walking through the wood it started to snow quite hard which sent many people running for cover. It was jolly cold & so next thing we did was to head for the Duke of Bridgwater Monument where there is an NT shop & cafe. We had a very welcome coffee & a huge scone between us. As I was feeling energetic I decided to walk to the top of the monument 172 steps each way. It is a fabulous view from the top (see extra) but it was pretty cold & as I started to descend it started snowing fact when I got to the bottom it was blowing a blizzard, it had eased by the time I got to the car where C was sitting in the warm. Well I had worked up an appetite again & so we went over to a pub at Traveller's Rest for lunch & jolly good it was too. From there we decided to head for home but there were a couple of stops to be made en-route. We first stopped at Pitstone Windmill & then onwards to another car park where you can get a good view of Ivinghoe Beacon - see extras.

Home then to see Merlot waiting for us on the step.

A lovely day out - think we ought to do this more often or at least sometimes.....

Tomorrow we are going for afternoon tea at somewhere posh !!

The weather has been warm cold sunny & snowing - oh yes & it was frosty first thing.

Whenever I go to Ivinghoe I always think of this .....

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