Bluebell Wood

Today is our wedding anniversary and so we decided to do what we did last year, namely visit Dockey Wood in Ashridge Park to see the wall to wall carpet of bluebells. Incredibly the weather was just the same as it was on this day last year. It was very cold and it snowed / hailed whilst we were there. The bluebells didn't disappoint and there were lots of people enjoying the spectacle,

Having taken far too many pictures we retraced our steps and stopped briefly at the Ivinghoe Beacon Car Park where I took a load more of the white chalky ploughed fields looking over towards Whipsnade & the chalk Lion of Whipsnade Zoo.

This achieved we then headed for a pub I have been wanting to try for some time; The Grove Lock. Located on the Grand Union Canal with a lock right next door I imagine it seethes during the summer months. Having said that we took the last table as it was busy today. We enjoyed a good meal & some banter with the bar stewards which is always a bonus.. We left there and came home the scenic route via Ledburn, Mentmore, Crafton and Wingrave before cutting through the new housing estate which adjoins Broughton Crossing home...

Home now relaxing ...

Heavy showers with sunny spells 

I have added a few extras...

Happy Anniversary Carol xx

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